Thursday, August 8, 2019

An Open Letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi

An Open Letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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Mr Modi,

We, Pakistanis are living in this era of 2019, to your discomfort we have managed to celebrate 72 years of independence. However, there is still a big fraction of living breathing humans who are still trapped in 1947. They are humans like you and every other Indian you claim to represent. They are Kashmiris.

The Kashmiris I am talking about seems to have been stuck in a time capsule which belongs to the horrors of 1947. These horrors are executed by no one else but your Indian Army. Generations of Muslims were destroyed in the migration from India to Pakistan, but till this date, countless generations of Kashmiris are still suffering at your hand. They are suffering at the hand of racial superiority idealized by you, they are suffering from the hunger and lust for power and land that you and your government possess Mr. Modi.

Mr. Modi, your government did not only scrap Article 370, but your government also scrapped the hope on which the Kashmiris fed themselves, you scrapped the oxygen out of the air they breathe and you scrapped the little hope they had for living freely one day as an independent nation. In case you’ve forgotten or dismissed the monstrosities of 1947, which have a striking resemblance to those which we see today in Kashmir, let me remind you. Let me remind you of all the Muslim men, women and kids who were tortured, killed and raped ruthlessly and with cold blood. Let me remind you of all those trains to Pakistan which were filled with blood and dead bodies of our ancestors. Let me remind you, Mr. Modi, that you have failed as a human, you have failed to project the secular image your government so lovingly claims to follow because of 72 years later Muslims in Kashmir are still tortured, blinded, killed and raped by the hands of Indian Army.

Let me inform you of a few Kashmiris whose blood is on your hands. Let me inform you, Tufail Mattoo who was 17 when he was hit by a teargas shell fired by police in the head. He was returning from his tuition classes. His killers still roam free even after 7 years of his death. Let me inform you of, Asifa Bano, an 8-year-old Muslim girl who was kidnapped and killed by Hindu nationalists and a senior Indian police officer. She was held captive in a temple for 4 days, she was strangulated, drugged and raped. Let me remind you of, Wamiq Farooq who was 13 and loved cricket but this love cost him his life. He was playing cricket when Indian forces decided to kill him. The murderers were granted bail by the Indian court.

For how long will you blindly feed your lust for power by killing innocent Muslims? For how long will you feed you political propagandas with Muslim lives? For how long will you remain to be this cold-blooded animal? 

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